Monthly Archives: February 2013

Temporary Goodbye


I love blogging, sharing work, getting feedback and interacting with you all. I love writing – it’s a part of me on a cellular level 🙂 I also like to eat. I need to work right now. I have been getting certified as a yoga instructor with the hopes of teaching. My part of the country is pretty rural and I didn’t know how yoga would go over around here. It’s turned out quite well! In fact, it’s gotten very, very busy. So much so that I’m opening a studio soon. I have to find some balance between the writing and my yoga business. Right now, getting the yoga business off the ground and running has to take priority over the blogging. I’ll still be writing, but I have to cut back on my blogging and blog stalking, for a little while. I will miss you all and will return, hopefully in a couple of months. Who knows? I may get a chance to throw a post up every once in a while, but I probably won’t get a chance to stalk your blogs for a while, which makes me sad. I wish you all happiness and success in your writing!

Supposition In the Language



Oh damn, how he hurt me

While the drumbeat of desire pounded into my brain

He lost the rhythm;


All that remained floated in a detergent bubble

Blow it away – too late, it burst onto my flesh

And his, and hers, and theirs;

An attempted cleansing upon the landscape


Trouble digs with a plastic fork, splintering,

Hitting stone; eat the gleanings

Suffer not the innocent,

But the guilty


Let the ransom of two indebted hearts purchase

All that remains – starvation may ensue


PhotoPin: photo credit: <a href=””>Jeff Kubina</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a&gt; <a href=””>cc</a&gt;